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A pioneer of the 19th century and still unique today, SHISEIDO is the fruit of an alliance between Eastern traditions and philosophies and Western science and technology. Even if SHISEIDO constantly evolves with the rest of the world, its three main values remain the same since 1872 and are really present in the SHISEIDO treatments:

Rich - Human science - Omotenashi

These core values are present in the SHISEIDO philosophy and treatments. The attention paid to the Clients, the treatments, the decoration and design, the devotion of the Beauty Therapists, everything is here for one thing: the absolute satisfaction
of the Client. Everything is done to make them find their path to complete well-being and serenity.

The symbols of the 5 senses play an important role within the SHISEIDO Qi treatments... Each treatment begins with a ‘Spa Senses Menu’ where you will choose your very own Aroma and Refreshment. Aroma Breathing follows, allowing the Client to fall into a deep rhythmical state of relaxation. The Qi treatment concludes with a gradual return to an alert state of mind combining a set of stretching and stimulating movements.
Rich means the continual research for beauty and aesthetics.

Human science is focused on the humanity behind the creation of a product or the ritual of a treatment.
Omotenashi is about the devotion to Clients.
