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SJB Wellbeing

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SJB is a healing practice founded by me, Sharon Bland, a Dubai-based British expert in Spiritual Trance Healing and Tibetan Usui Reiki. I trained at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College with Steven Upton and with several top UK and international spirit mediums.

Ten years ago, I was lucky enough to undergo an experience that transformed my life. Through this, I was able to reflect on where my path in life was going and what I needed to do to ensure my inner peace and harmony. Until that point, my skills had focused on the exterior as a professional stylist and beautician—I made people feel great about themselves—but it was at this point that I was able to help people radiate true harmony only by combining outer happiness with inner harmony. I realised that only with a holistic approach to beauty would people reach their highest potential and grow.

The more we know, the stronger we are—this is a maxim I strongly believe in, but sometimes the answers to our search for knowledge do not lie without—they lie within. Understanding the mind is a powerful skill, for the answers we seek are there for everyone, whether they realise it or not. Therapy is not about fixing what is broken, it is about taking control of our behaviors to remove the obstacles that prevent us from leading a healthy and harmonious life.
