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Smart System Holidays LLC

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Allow me to introduce you to a group of companies "Smart System Holidays LLC", with its headquarters in Dubai (UAE) and docherinimi offices in Moscow (Russia), Almaty (Kazakhstan), Baku (Azeyrbaydzhan), Tbilisi (Georgia) and Tashkent (Uzbekistan ). Company "Smart System Holidays LLC" successfully works in the travel market for over 10 years. During this time we have won a good reputation among hotels in the United Arab Emirates and our partners around the world. We offer a totally new concept clearly and professionally perform your specific needs and are able to meet the most unusual requests. "Smart System Holidays LLC" has all the necessary infrastructure for tourism services in the UAE. We employ 25 Russian-speaking employees who survived a rigorous selection and have been trained. We admit to working with clients only staff who receives very positive feedback from tourists.
