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The Content Factory

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THECONTENT|FACTORY (The Content Factory) isn’t your ordinary factory…the kind with smokestacks and noisy machines. Ours is a factory of a totally different sort. Digital, effective and proactive. Our raw material is content. Words, visuals and ideas. Our finished product is opportunity. Awareness, brand equity and business growth.

So, we generate and distribute information, both verbal and audiovisual. We’re very good at producing and delivering content to the target audiences that matter to our clients’ businesses. We produce news for leading media outlets. We assemble print and broadcast interviews and work with journalists to create stories that matter. We design campaigns and deploy events. We harness our communications tools, both online and offline, to channel information through relevant media channels to help maximize our client’s opportunities to gain marketshare and revenue growth.

But while we make many different and wonderful things in our factory, everything we produce has but one purpose: to help our clients achieve their business objectives.

THECONTENT|FACTORY is a Dubai-based integrated marketing communications solutions agency. The only one of its kind in the Middle East and one of the few like it anywhere. We serve businesses throughout the Middle East as well as companies seeking to do business in this important part of the world. If you’re either, you’ve come to the right place.

Established in Dubai in 2004, our experience spans various industries. We work with companies in technology, consumer electronics and general business (trading, manufacturing, oil & gas, finance & services). These businesses vary in size, from small and medium sized enterprise to larger, regional and international brands.

Today, THECONTENT|FACTORY’s services coverage spans the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries (the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman), Yemen, Jordan and Palestine.
