The Freediving Club Logo

The Freediving Club

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The Free­d­iv­ing Club is an acad­emy for edu­ca­tion, instruc­tion, coach­ing, and train­ing of indi­vid­u­als & groups to develop and improve their capa­bil­i­ties in free­d­iv­ing sport mainly Free­d­iv­ing In Dubai & AbuD­habi and in UAE.

The Free­d­iv­ing Club pro­mote for free­d­iv­ing sport for ben­e­fit of free­d­ivers of ages start from 8 years old& for all abil­i­ties under AIDA (Asso­ci­a­tion Inter­na­tionale pour le Développe­ment de l’Apnée) stan­dards, rules, and regulations.

Mem­bers shall be given every oppor­tu­nity to become com­pe­ti­tion free­d­ivers, excel­lent free­d­ivers, and live good life style.
