Thermofab Insulation and Cladding LLC Logo

Thermofab Insulation and Cladding LLC

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Thermofab was established in the year 2011 at dubai with 8 employees. The field of apllication includes, but not limited to:

Power plants
Fertilizer, refinery & Petrochemical industry
Onshore & Offshore, Oil field & Gas stations
Marine engineering
Thermofab is one amoung the contractors for Insulation-cladding work for Thermal and Acoustic. .Thermofab is at highest to carry out Hot and cold insulation and cladding work of pipeline and equipment in the temperature range of –100 to +870 Degree Celisius with skilled and dedicated employees. We undertake the work in EPC or turnkey basis for supply Technicians Labourers, materials for insulation works.

Thermofab also carries out Engineering services, Third party inspection services, supply and services of safety equipment.

We have a complete crew of experienced and a well-trained team for satisfying all your engineering needs.
