Towers Foundations LLC Logo

Towers Foundations LLC

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  • +971 4 2684426
  • Rm 213, 2nd Flr, Dar Al Waheida Bldg., Al Wuheida Road, Hor Al Anz East, PO Box 93020
    Deira, Dubai
  • +971 4 2689926
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Towers Foundations Co., is presenting the company as Foundations Engineering Contracting Company; our services are Mainly in Design, Develop and Execution of Latest Technique in Driven and Bored Piling and Shoring Systems.

Towers Foundations Co. offers our clients in the construction industry a unique package of specialized services in Design, Construction, Testing and Maintaining an appropriate Engineering Solutions through full range of Bored and/or other Techniques, we would like to inform you that we are using Seven Brand New SOILMEC Bored Piling Machines.

Towers Foundations Co., through their dedicated & highly experienced team, operates our works from the head office at Dubai with branch’s in Abu Dhabi and Sharjah, part of the expertise and competent staff with previous piling works experience are our Technical Manager, Operations Manager, Contract Engineer, Projects Manager and plant with site Foremen along with machine operators whom all have the skills in this delicate industry and been previously very much involved in establishing or supporting a successful piling companies in UAE before our decision to have them as part of the key players in our company; Main personal joined us last Six months and the rest of the team is in the process of having them on board.
