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About will take great care to ensure that you receive all purchased items in perfect condition and in timely manner with no faulty orders.

All orders received by between 10:00AM and 9:00PM everyday will be processed on the spot. All orders received after the cut-off time will be processed the next day. A confirmation e-mail will be sent at the e-mail address you provided when you registered as a member. In the same manner, an e-mail will also be sent if your order has been disapproved or discontinued for whatever reason (e.g. not within the deliverable area, etc.)

All orders will be delivered by our own staff using our own refrigerated vehicles. We will make every effort to deliver within the time-slot stated in your order, but the Company will not be liable for any possible loss caused by late delivery.

At, we understand the importance of ‘On-Time’ delivery, so please notify us either by telephone or email if you do not receive your goods within a reasonable time.

All items on are available for delivery within Dubai only.

Order Availability

Products in are readily available for sale as long as they are on stock. Any buyer shall be notified through e-mail or by phone for orders which cannot be fulfilled for the time being.
