Turbo Car Service Dubai Logo

Turbo Car Service Dubai

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Turbo is an innovative, efficient and reliable car service center that provides you with the best service possible; our workshop is your one stop shop for all your vehicles requirements. We have a fully equipped collision and paint shop, Our technicians are master certified and specialize in repair and service they maintain and fix exhaust, fuel ignition, electrical faults, suspension and alignment, air conditioning and computer systems. We provide free estimates, rental car services and 24 hour towing.

We guarantee all our work for as long as you own your car. Allow us to take away the hassle of servicing your car by picking you up and dropping you off anywhere in Dubai while your car is being inspected by one of our experts.

Whether you send us a blackberry message, call us, text us or just walk in we will provide you with the fastest, most reliable and affordable service possible. BBM 2739BC94 direct line 24hr 050-8795322 or 050-9189984
