Step By Step, Kid's Nursery in Jumeirah, located in the heart of Jumeirah community, Al Safa, Dubai. 24-hour security | Admissions open
Jad’s Inclusion (JI) is the positive result that evolved from the frustration and struggles faced by a mother of a child with autism (Jad) who had been rejected admission by 22 schools only in Dubai.
At SCS, we aim to enable our learners to have success for today and to be prepared for tomorrow. Our mission is clear, our promise secure, and our commitment real and genuine. We are a school that lis
Jumeirah Primary School is a wonderful school, with fantastic children and staff who are determined to work with parents to achieve the very best for the children in their care.
The campus comprises of 8 year group blocks as well as specialist areas such as ICT, library and music rooms. Well established planting and an interesting maze of pathways and landscape areas through
The English College is a long-standing, all-through British curriculum school from Early Years to A Levels focusing on outstanding pastoral care, personal and social development. We have highly experi
At Citysearch, we have most complete list of Education in Al Safa 1, Dubai.You can read reviews, find school & college fees, curriculum details, and courses offered, factulty members and more.