We offer competitive pricing, a high level of service with the support of experienced staff and work force, innovative designs, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Attention is paid to makin
For nearly two decades we have made it our business to provide our clients with a workplace or home that meets their need using the latest products and designs from around the world. True to our hu
Rattan House always introduces new design concepts and flexibility to cater all requirements. Our products are manufactured to the highest construction standards, ensuring comfort and durability. We a
Our Mission - To provide comprehensive facilities and outstanding services to all our clients with particular emphasis on quality and safety.
Strong, experienced and utterly committed, we bring our traditional family values of fairness, honesty and openness to bear on modern and innovative ways of working and developing businesses. The S
Since it’s inception, Indigo Living has made its mark as a fashionable upscale (yet highly affordable) retailer and wholesaler selling furniture and home accessories to the Hong Kong market and beyond
"Renaissance"- /ri'ners(e)ns. re'n, - sas/ n 1.the revival of art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14 th -16 th centuries. 2.the period of this. 3.the culture and styl
M&A is a team of truly talented architectural and construction specialists. Our company in Dubai to has employs only a professionals in their field of work. Each of them has tens of successfully compl