Dubai Syndrome aims to support families, create awareness among the genreal public and in schools, bring expertise from abroad with the aim of training professionals and parents to an international st
The first project of the UAEGDA (Emirates free Of Thalassemia by the year 2012) is aimed at identifying the Beta-Thalassemia and Sickle-cell carriers in the UAE pre-marital population. UAEGDA seeks t
Our Vision A center of excellence having highly trained professionals to provide accredited programs to support individuals with Autism and their families, to be an internationally recognized Autis
The Awqaf & Minors Affairs Foundation will be dedicated to the legal supervision over the Awqaf, its care & investment as well as it will be responsible for managing & spending its funds & revenues wi
Practicing the charity and human activity in its widest framework and is to be careful about achieving the highest income through raising the donations and delivering the same to their deservers or em
The need for the company arose with the growing population of expatriates living in the region and the lack of services available for them in their time of need. Middle East Funeral Services fills tha
Postal organization with highly diversified services, offering high-quality services to the public and the corporate sector, leveraging high technology and human resources. In an effort to raise stand
The urge to dispense medicine in an efficient and professional manner sowed the seed for a friendly service, and healthy relationship called United Pharmacies. It is now a household name for emergency
The St. Francis of Assisi church was inaugurated in November 2001 by Bishop Bernard Gremoli as part of the Vicariate of Arabia. The parish now is a member of the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia
We are an evangelical church situated in a thriving city on the Arabian Peninsula. For us, the Word of God is our source of authority. It is through the Word that we become “wise for salvation throug
Saint Mary's Catholic Church is dedicated to our Lady of Assumption.
Were very sorry the website is currently undergoing a major upgrade. The reason some of the info is not available.
The Grand Mosque is originally constructed in traditional Islamic architectural style and opened in 1900 AD as kuttab, where children learnt to recite the Quran from memory, The Grand Mosque of Dubai
Over the past ten years, the Jumeirah Mosque has become renowned as the focal point of our “Open Doors, Open Minds” programme as it is the only mosque in Dubai which is open to the public and dedicate